About Mudsley
Mudsley is an endearing creature who seeks an identity, companionship, adventure, and answers to the mysteries of his existence in an underwater world.
His journey through this world is filled with joys and dangers, loneliness and friendship, failure and success, mysteries and new beginnings.
The story, Mudsley and the Grand March, was inspired by a real event I witnessed one sunny summer day at my lake cabin.
From my perch on the dock, I noticed tiny creatures crawling out of the water into the grassy area next to the shoreline.
I watched for a long time until the shoreline was covered with them. It was a bit alarming because I had been swimming in this lake for years and never realized these little creatures were in the water.
Each one climbed up a blade of grass and just “hung out.”
Why, I asked myself, had they all left the water at the same time? What was going on? What were they?
After some time, l stepped carefully onto the shoreline so I wouldn’t disturb them, sat on the ground next to one creature and just watched quietly.
Something astonishing happened…totally unexpected. The outer body cracked at the top and a new creature emerged. It was a beautiful dragonfly.
I realized these creatures were part of nature’s amazing mysteries. At the time, I didn’t know the life cycle of a dragonfly so I was totally surprised.
This was the first and only time in my life that I witnessed the metamorphosis of a nymph to a dragonfly.
It continually leaves me breathless with wonder about the natural world around us. So much to explore. So much to learn. So much to appreciate.
Parents and children, teachers and students, librarians (both school and public) and nature lovers of all kinds will enjoy this book.