Mudsley and the Grand March is a story about an endearing creature, a dragonfly nymph, who seeks identity, companionship, adventure and answers to the mysteries of his existence in an underwater world. His journey through this world is filled with joys and dangers, loneliness and friendship, failure and success, mysteries and new beginnings.
At the end of the story there is a diagram of the three-stage life cycle of a dragonfly, and discussion questions.
The story is unique in that it has both literary and scientific components. On the literary side, all the characters are personified with emotions that children can identify with such as: feeling scared/sad, desiring friendships, wanting to belong to a group, experiencing adventure, challenges and new beginnings. On the scientific side, Mudsley’s journey highlights the 3 stages of a dragonfly’s metamorphosis which is often part of the science standard for Grades 1 & 2.
This book encourages interest in the awe-inspiring mysteries of our world. Maybe, it will launch a child’s leap into exploration, and help them value this precious planet and all the big and little creatures in it.